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Workshop: Caminhos do Marketing

Por Giuliano Noronha


Farewell letter of Baden Powell - Texto Original

Scouts: If you have seen the play "Peter Pan", you will remember that the pirate chief was always giving his "dying speech", because he feared that, possibly, when the time came for him to die, he would have no more time to say such things. 


Much the same thing happens to me, and so, although I am not dying right now – one of these days I will die – I want to send you a parting word. Remember that it will be the last time you hear my words. So, think about them carefully. I have had a very happy life and I want each of you to have a happy life too. I believe that God put us in this happy world to be happy and to enjoy life. Happiness does not come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career; nor to be indulgent towards ourselves. One step towards happiness is to become healthy and strong while still young, so that you can be useful and enjoy life when you are a man.  


Studying nature will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Rejoice in what you have received and make good use of it. Look at the good side of things, instead of the bad side of them. However, the best way to get happiness is to make other people happy. Try to leave this world a little better than you found it, and when it's your turn to die, you can die happy with the feeling that at least you didn't waste your time but did the best you could. Be prepared, in this way, to live and die happily, always faithful to the Scout Promise, even after you are no longer young – and may God help you to fulfill it. 


Your friend, Baden-Powell. 

Carta de despedida de Baden Powell - Texto Traduzido

Escoteiros: Se vocês tiverem visto a peça “Peter Pan”, deverão estar lembrados de que o chefe-pirata estava sempre fazendo o seu “discurso de moribundo”, porque receava que, possivelmente, quando chegasse a hora de ele morrer, não tivesse mais tempo para dizer tais coisas. 


Acontece quase a mesma coisa comigo e, assim, e embora neste momento eu não esteja morrendo – qualquer dia destes eu morrerei –, quero enviar a vocês uma palavra de despedida. Lembrem-se de que será a última vez que vocês ouvirão minhas palavras. Portanto, pensem bem nelas. Eu tenho tido uma vida muito feliz e quero que cada um de vocês também tenha uma vida feliz. Acredito que Deus nos colocou neste mundo alegre para que sejamos felizes e para aproveitarmos a vida. A felicidade não provém do fato de ser rico, nem meramente de ter sido bem sucedido na carreira; e, tampouco, de sermos indulgentes para com nós mesmos. Um passo na direção da felicidade é o de tornar-se saudável e forte enquanto se ainda é jovem, de sorte que possa vir a ser útil e aproveitar a vida quando for homem. 


O estudo da natureza mostrará a vocês quão repleto de coisas belas e maravilhosas Deus fez o mundo para vocês aproveitarem. Alegrem-se com o que receberam e façam bom proveito disso. Olhem para o lado bom das coisas, ao invés do lado ruim delas. Contudo, a melhor maneira de obter felicidade é proporcionar felicidade a outras pessoas. Tentem deixar este mundo um pouco melhor do que o encontraram e, quando chegar a vez de morrerem, possam morrer felizes com o sentimento de que, pelo menos, não desperdiçaram o tempo, mas fizeram o melhor que puderam. Estejam preparados, desta maneira, para viverem e morrerem felizes, sempre fiéis à Promessa Escotista, até mesmo depois que deixarem de ser jovens – e que Deus os ajude a cumpri-la. 


Vosso amigo, Baden-Powell. 

The History of Architecture as a dialogic practice between historiographical knowledge - Texto Traduzido


The History of Architecture has been usually treated by Historiography as part of Art History. However, it has a nature that makes it specific by the link that builds between the different possibilities of historiographical approaches, therefore, it should not be absorbed as a subordinate field to the History of Art, but constituting a field of its own. 

The History of Architecture will be presented in its constituent polyphony, which makes it point of convergence between the different historiographical practices, being able to make the dialogical bridge between Cultural History, Social History, Economic History, History of Science and Technology and even Political History 



It is difficult to specify when the History of Architecture formed an object of specific knowledge within the historical record or historical chronicle. Polybius and Herodotus left precious reports on Ancient Greece and, although their focus were not edifications, there is a portrait of the apogee and of the greek architectural decay by the chroniclers point of understanding. The “century of Pericles”, the c. V BC – that, from the point from an architectural and sculptural point of view, it could be called “the century of Phidias” – it is apprehended from the text of these authors. 


The first systematized record that comes to us, through the Renaissance, is that of Marco Vitrúvio Polião who, in his “Ten Books on Architecture”, dedicated to Cesar Augusto, reveals much of the construction techniques of the 1st century AC. and reveal the paper of Architecture and the Architect in Roman Society. It is from Vitruvius that we receive the beacons of Architecture, so that the architectural work is considered as such: Firmness, Utility, Beauty (Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas). 

It is to the Renaissance's interest in Vitruvius that he emerges not only as a architect, but also as a theorist and historian of architecture. In a way, it was inspiring for Andrea Palladio to write his “Four Books on the Architecture”, one of the landmarks of the theory and history of Architecture.  


The Baroque, with its totalizing proposal and its maximum expressiveness in the arts plastic arts, especially in architectural theatricality, generated the origin of the systematization of plans and models, the reproduction of games of scales and perspective, so that the architect's idea could be reproduced and built by the builders. 

The birth of History and Historiography as domains of scientific knowledge, in the nineteenth century, linked the History of Architecture to the History of the Arts, constituting sort of a subdiscipline of it. The dawn of the 20th century brought interest specific in turning the History of Architecture into a specific field of historiography knowledge, with pioneering studies conducted by architects and not by historians. 


This is a trend maintained until today, with most of the works developed by architects, the work of Giulio Carlo Argan being an exception to this trend. Historians up to the present time have not given due importance to the History of Architecture and the fact that it lends itself to multi, trans and interdisciplinary readings only within historiography but also in the dialogue between history and other disciplines such as philosophy, theology and sociology, for example. The major focus of Historiography in this sense has been the history of the city(s), being of greater relevance the works of Lewis Mumford and Fustel de Coulanges, the latter going back to the 19th century and focused especially on the old city.  

In this sense, there is a serious deficiency in the training of historians regarding the History of Art, as in most curricula this discipline is offered - when the is – as an optional, elective or non-mandatory subject. It often lacks historian the perception that architectural monuments are sometimes documents more eloquent than the printed or handwritten documents to which we are familiar in our historiographic mister.  


On the other hand, the training of architects has privileged utilitarianism and what could call “projectism” as an epitome of the formation of the architecture student: about the architectural project, about the final product of the architect's work efforts are concentrated and, often, the History of Architecture is taught as a the history of the buildings, sometimes disconnected from a historical context and of the social, political and economic dynamics that regulate the life of man and society. 

It is necessary to go beyond architects and architectural historians to better understand the evolution of architectural concepts and techniques. How put example, understand the Baroque and its totalizing vocation without limiting ourselves to the reading of the thinkers who, like Rosário Villari and José Antonio Maravall, devoted themselves to studying baroque man and civilization? Likewise, if we seek to understand the Romanesque or Gothic architecture, we cannot do without the classics of philosophy, theology and history, remembering that, in this historical frame, the great formulators and architects of the projects were not the architects, but the popes and bishops, kings and nobles. It is from the writings of Saint Augustine or Saint Thomas Aquinas that we will extract the cosmovision of a society and an era. 


There are authors who are mandatory reading in the History of Architecture, such as, for e.g. Banister Fletcher, Auguste Choisy, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Giulio Carlo Argan, Leonardo Benévolo and Sigfried Giedeon, among others. In common, these Architectural historians have the fact that they are not historians, but architects, exception of Giedeon. 

The richness of the History of Architecture is exactly being able to establish a field dialogue between the different historiographical knowledge, integrating the conceptions of Architecture to the concepts of Art and Aesthetics (the latter, perceived within the perspective Hegelian) and, equally, of Politics, Sociology, Theology and Economics.  

In this sense, the History of Architecture constitutes a specific field of Historiography, which by aggregating and integrating knowledge from other domains historiographical data, allows the enrichment of the vision of academics who dedicate themselves to the subject: architects, historians, philosophers and sociologists. 

Since it is not possible to dissociate the History of Architecture from the History of Urbanism and if it succeeds in detaching the formation of cities and their history from political dynamics, economic and social factors that engendered them, the History of Architecture can now be enriched with the deepening of the reflections that involve the analysis process cities and their formation and development. 


If some historiographical trends lend themselves more adequately to the study of History of Architecture, such as Cultural History, Economic History or History of Mentalities, for example; others, such as microhistory, can reveal creative approaches and peculiar nuances involving the History of Architecture. 

Therefore, within Pierre Bourdieu's perspective on fields theory, I postulate that the History of Architecture is not taken as the exclusive property of architects or historians, as both have to contribute, providing paths and knowledge new, new epistemological and hermeneutical proposals to integrate knowledge and actions. This indicated path will be able to give rise to original and creative aims, always increasingly rich and enriching in the approach to the History of Architecture. 

In this way, what is now proposed is the consolidation of the autonomy of the History of Architecture, now treated as a discipline with hermeneutics and epistemology own, no longer a subsidiary of the History of Art. 

I apologize to those who expected a presentation along the more canonical lines of a communication presentation, but I surrendered to the French model of making a I stand up for what I believe. 



ARGAN, Giulio Carlo. História da Arte como História da Cidade. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes,  


ARGAN, Giulio Carlo e FAGIOLO, Maurizio. Guia de História da Arte. Lisboa: Estampa,  


BAUMGART, Fritz. Breve História da Arte. S. Paulo: Mrtins Fontes, 2007. 

BENEVOLO, Leonardo. História da Cidade. S. Paulo: Perspectiva, 1983. 

BREITLING, Stefan et al.. História da Arquitectura: da antiguidade aos nossos dias. Colônia:  

Könemann, 2001. 

CHOISY, Auguste. Histoire de l’Architecture. Paris: Vincent, 1954 

O jogador de futebol tcheco Jakub Jankto se torna o primeiro jogador internacional masculino ativo a anunciar que é gay - Texto Traduzido

O astro do futebol tcheco Jakub Jankto se tornou o primeiro jogador internacional masculino ativo a anunciar que é gay. 


“Como todo mundo, tenho meus pontos fortes, tenho minhas fraquezas; Eu tenho uma família, tenho meus amigos”, disse Jankto em um vídeo divulgado nas redes sociais na segunda-feira. 


“Tenho um trabalho, que o tenho feito da melhor forma, há anos, com seriedade, profissionalismo e paixão. Como todo mundo, também quero viver minha vida em liberdade, sem medos, sem preconceitos, sem violência, mas com amor. 


“Sou homossexual e não quero mais me esconder.” 


O meio-campista de 27 anos está atualmente emprestado ao Sparta Praga pelo clube espanhol Getafe. 


A equipe da República Tcheca postou uma declaração de apoio ao jogador, escrevendo: “Jakub Jankto falou abertamente sobre sua orientação sexual com a direção do clube, treinador e companheiros de equipe há algum tempo. 


“Sem mais comentários. Sem mais perguntas. Você tem nosso apoio. Viva sua vida, Jakub. Nada mais importa.” 


Em uma demonstração de apoio, o Getafe escreveu: “Nosso máximo respeito e apoio incondicional ao nosso jogador de futebol, Jakub Jankto”. 


Jankto jogou 45 vezes pelo seu país desde sua estreia em 2017, marcando quatro gols. 


As organizações de futebol também expressaram seu apoio a Jankto. A UEFA, órgão regulador do futebol europeu, escreveu: “Muito bem, Jakub. Você é uma verdadeira inspiração e o futebol europeu está com você!” 


Fifpro, o sindicato global de jogadores, twittou: “Viva sua vida, Jakub. Orgulhoso." 


Jankto se junta ao jogador australiano Josh Cavallo como o único jogador de futebol masculino da primeira divisão abertamente gay do mundo. Jake Daniels, um atacante de 18 anos do Blackpool na segunda divisão da Inglaterra, saiu em maio de 2022. 


Thomas Hitzlsperger, um meio-campista que jogou pela Alemanha 52 vezes, se assumiu após a aposentadoria. 

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